Phone: +1 (866) 201-2353
Leuva Patidar Samaj of USA The Leuva Patidar Samaj Of USA The Leuva Patidar community of Surat, Navsari, Tapi, Bharuch and Valsad districts of
southern part of Gujarat has a history.
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Welcome To Leuva Patidar Samaj Southern Part of Gujarat

The Leuva Patidar Samaj (LPS) of USA is an organization of a large number of Leuva Patidar people of predominantly Hindu faith originating from the Navsari, Surat, Tapi, Bharuch, and Valsad Districts who have settled in the United States of America. LPS of USA is a nonprofit religious, cultural, and non-political organization that provides its' Leuva community a forum for meeting, facilitating and encouraging religious observance, sharing ideas, providing cultural programs, and endeavoring toward community advancement. We endeavor to develop closer religious and cultural ties between the Hindu faith, Indian heritage and the Leuva Patidar Community. We identify and discuss areas of concerns to our community and develop mechanisms for the regular exchange of ideas. LPS also aims to unite, inform, and preserve religious and cultural heritage for the present and future generations... Read More

Preserving Our Core Values and Building a Stronger Community

Preserving Our Core Values and Building a Stronger Community

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FOGA Invitation

FOGA Invitation

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Upcoming live Bollywood Dance teaching

Upcoming live Bollywood Dance teaching

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Matchmaking Event Hosted by LPS of USA, Aug 31, 2024 - Sept 1, 2024

Matchmaking Event Hosted by LPS of USA, Aug 31, 2024 - Sept 1, 2024

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Our Sponsors

The Leuva Patidar Samaj strives to maintain the membership database as best as possible. We request that if you have moved that you let us know..

Who We Are

Who We Are

The Leuva Patidar community of Surat, Navsari, Tapi, Bharuch and Valsad districts of southern part of Gujarat has a history, which goes back to several centuries. These Patidars and their descendents residing all over the world and especially in United States of America are compassionate, hard working and very resourceful people. These Patidars are involved in various enterprises including but not limited to Lodging, Engineering, Medicine, Science and service related industries in major metropolitan cities as well as small towns of America. In spite of being relocated in this foreign country we have not forgotten our roots, culture and the rich heritage, hence we have been actively involved in local and national organizations which promote cultural, religious, sports, important festivals and other functions.

We all know that we have come from the state of Gujarat in India, but now let us look into the History of Leuva Patidars. Who are we? Where did our forefathers come from? These are some of the questions our children may ask. The burden of responsibility falls on us to provide all the information to our children to fulfill their curiosity about the Leuva Patidar identity, culture and history. The following data is compiled from several sources and in certain places its accuracy may be questionable... Read more

Election Infomation

Election Infomation

It is the express desire of LPS USA, that fair and comprehensive elections be conducted to nominate and elect duly qualified individuals to serve the best interests of their region and that of the greater national organization. In as much, the regions are encouraged to follow the procedure outlined below, both in spirit and process. At all relevant times, the overarching goal of sending a diverse, energetic and highly qualified group of leaders should be observed.

Transfer Membership

Transfer Membership

LPS of USA Lifetime Membership Transfer Request Form

Please download, complete and return below form in order to transfer Membership to your Children or Spouse.

Mission And Vision

Mission And Vision

The Leuva Patidar Samaj “LPS” Scholarship Foundation, a nonprofit organization has awarded over $500,000 to qualified applicants since 2001, is based upon the conviction that an educated society is essential to a healthy democracy.

Our goal is to help deserving individuals within our community achieve their career goals, an objective which has the added benefit of bettering the community at large. In short, our goal is to ensure that no deserving scholar in our community will be deprived of higher education because of a shortage of funds.

To build this community, The Scholarship Foundation will:

  • Promote and provide financial support for education.
  • Assure that students have the information necessary to make sound financial decisions.
  • Lead a collaborative network of community and educational partners aligned to support student preparation, transition, and persistence to degree completion.

To those who share its vision, the Foundation offers opportunities to participate in its realization through financial and in-kind support and volunteerism. Read more

Scholarship Application

Scholarship Application

Dear Applicants,

On Behalf of LPS OF USA and LPS Foundation, we would like to thank you for applying for LPS Scholarship.

This is the NEW LINK to apply.

  • For Scholarship Application information, please click here.
Leuva Conection

Leuva Conection

Leuva Connection Issue 46

Leuva Connection Issue 46

LPS of USA proudly presents iOS & Android app for community members...